First person action MMORPG
Your main task is survival and exploration of the dangerous PVE&PVP world
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PIONER "Collapse"


About the gameplay
In PIONER, special attention is paid to the events, factions and tasks in which you will take part. Feel yourself in the role of a mercenary, bandit, caravan guard, explorer, pioneer — you can become a full-fledged participant in a variety of events throughout the archipelago. You will explore anomalies, confront hunters from other factions and carry out special assignments.
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Dangerous flora and fauna

Swamp Zomb
Not much is known about this monster. Perhaps because there are few of them, or perhaps because rarely any witnesses are left after the encounter with them. This creature is most often seen near swamps and rotten backwaters. It is said to be able to pound a man into the ground with a single punch.

They used to be unique individuals, explorers, workers, and scientists. Now they constitute a faceless army of the infected. They compensate for their absolute stupidity with good hearing and agility.

Fast Disgraced
This subspecies of the infected is incredibly agile, with electricity pulsing from its claws. Some say that they become like this after eating electric jellyfish, while others say that they mutate after being struck by lightning.

These dogs might have been mistaken for wild mongrels if it weren't for their damn speed and complete lack of fear. It was probably some crazy geneticist canine handler to blame for their appearance.

This huge stickman spends most of its time in a tree and is almost invisible in this state. It kills anyone who gets too close on the spot. You would need an entire assault team to get it out of the woods, and you are lucky if half of your team returns from the mission.

This giant spider can be found in infected forests and plains. It is infected with a terrible abnormal virus itself. It takes just one bite to lose your limb on an operating table and then kick the bucket anyway.

The main cause of careless travelers' deaths in the swamps. These disgusting creatures spit a neuroparalytic toxin. The first spit causes limb stiffness, the fifth brings a complete numbness. After that, they eat defenseless victims alive.

Despite the frightening name and ugly appearance, the Bladehorns are one of the most harmless creatures of Tartarus. A crunching twig is enough to scare it away, and make it run for miles in an unknown direction. It is curious though that other mutants avoid attacking the Bladehorn for some reason.

This ruminant animal is very peaceful by nature, however there is one little detail: when the cow dies it explodes like an anti-tank mine and can easily send a couple of unlucky shepherds to their doom.

The Drone was designed by Soviet scientists for rescue operations. The Soviet military approved the project, however they asked to add a couple of machine guns. Ever since, these mechanical creatures have been patrolling the island's restricted areas, and they are not at all bothered by the fact that these areas have long been abandoned and demolished.

Hellish Bear
This clubfooted monster prefers dense forests and is occasionally encountered on contaminated plains. It can not only tear a person in half, but also shoot him with bone spikes. Whatever the case is, it will eat him later anyway.

These beetles have not only grown to the size of a pig, but have also mastered artistic camouflage to perfection. The Pretender-Beetle spends most of its time dozing, skillfully impersonating an unremarkable rock. But as soon as a person gets too close, the beetle wakes up and tries to tear him into pieces with its powerful front limbs.

After the first encounter with Tartar mosquitoes, a person begins to nostalgically reminiscent how the bitten by mosquitos in summer camps. These overgrown insects do not bite. They spit toxic mucus at their prey. And only when their victim has been completely paralyzed, the mosquitoes slowly attach themselves to it, sucking it dry.
A variety of weapons
A polished Western rifle in a world of mud, filth, and blood. Very popular here for its excellent damage and accuracy.

Ranged weapons
Melee weapons


AS Cardan

AV Adamant

AV Devil

AV Sapphire-M

Cupressus - 02



Klin 91



Mosin Rifle

Pipe Gun









Thieves, robbers, and murderers who have sneaked into the islands looking for profit. Due to the lack of centralized power on the islands, they are in their element. They are organized into countless gangs with a primitive power hierarchy.

A community of hunters united by the desire to fight monsters and disgraced for glory or reward. Usually engaged in escorting caravans, guarding settlements, and tracking especially dangerous creatures.

The Source Conglomerate (or simply the Conglomerate) is a group of indigenous tribes who left the archipelago shortly before the incident and united into an organization with the common goal of regaining the islands' independence and removing the spoils that had taken hold.

The Brigade
Professional military who are trying to establish strict control over the islands. Thanks to the peacemaking efforts of the Wandering Pass, their war with the Conglomerate on the island of Tartarus has been reduced to minor clashes so far. It is also home to the Brigade's main logistical center, the city of Torgograd.

The Initiative
A secret organization with unclear goals. It is rumored to be engaged in conflict resolution and establishing mutually beneficial relations between the various factions of the island.

The Raven Cult
A grim pagan sect of the worshippers of Raven, the god of destruction and chaos. His followers are characterized by extreme cruelty, anger, and impulsiveness. It is rumored that they regularly sacrifice people to their idol.

The name of the security and guard service from the Mogilnik station. According to official information, the station was closed after the Catastrophe, but its guards remained on the island. What they are currently doing is unknown, but the rumors are dark.

Mercenary Troops
A large variety of military troops that do not share a common goal. Some were able to form alliances and act in unity as a private militia - this usually occurs when the mercenaries get hired by so the called "Shadow forces" for a substantial reward.

A peaceful group, mainly providing mail and package delivery services on the Island. Runners can be found in any major settlement.

Trade Union
Closed off guild of traders and entrepreneurs, operating mainly on the Tartarus Island under the patonage of the Wandering Pass. They have representatives in each large settlement, and are actively supporting good relations with bigger organizations on the Island.

Wanderers of the Pass
Large numbers of researchers that hold no loyalties. They include Wanderers and Trade Union members, mainly existing around the Wandering Pass. The Pass cooperates with the main factions of the island. The door is open to everyone who has no other place to go.
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